Impressum - Dutch for Doctors
Welcome to the Impressum of Dutch for Doctors, the provider of specialized language courses and books for medical professionals such as dentists and doctors who want to work in the Netherlands or Belgium.
Owner and representation:
- Annelie Poker
- Clarenberg 38, 44263 Dortmund, Germany
- Contact:
- Phone: +31 62 3062110
- E-mail:
- Website:
Sales tax number: DE350993646
Tax number: 75254906184
Bank details:
- Commerzbank
- IBAN: DE63 4404 0037 0115 5399 00
Disclaimer and liability
Dutch for Doctors is responsible for its own content on this website in accordance with general law. However, we are not responsible for external links leading to third-party content. If it appears that an external link leads to content that violates laws and regulations, we will remove it immediately upon notification.
External links
Although we carefully select external links to provide relevant information, we emphasize that Dutch for Doctors bears no responsibility for the content of third-party websites.
For more information about our language courses and books, visit our website or contact us using the details above.